10 am to 1 pm


Christ Almighty Baptist Church
83 Commonwealth Ave
Toronto, ON M1K 4K4

Discipleship Series: Genesis to Revelation

We are inviting you to join us in our new discipleship series. We will be studying the Bible, book by book, from Genesis to Revelation, within two years (2018-2019), God willing. Each session is an overview study of a specific book or group of books.

The primary objective is to encourage us to read and study the Bible, cover to cover, so we can have a deeper appreciation for God, His character and His plan/intent for His people. 

Every session will take place on the same time and day: Saturday, 10 AM-1 PM. Light lunch will be served.

Upcoming Sessions

sign up today!

All seminar dates will be announced and confirmed in our church bulletins, as well as on this website. If you plan to attend, please sign up online on each session's page or at our church foyer, so we will know how much materials and lunch to prepare. These sessions are free.

We pray that you will join us in this pursuit of Biblical truth as we bear fruit for His glory. We are looking forward to seeing you, your families and your small groups join us.


If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Elbern Latorilla or Michael Borja.