Speaker: Rev. Elbern G. Latorilla
(December 29, 2019
Read: Joshua 3:1-8
Introduction: As we stand on the threshold of the new year, we are like the Israelites who were on the verge of entering the Land of Promise after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. The way before the was unknown, untrodden and uncharted. To dispel their fear of what lay ahead, the LORD through Joshua gave them some guidelines to follow. If they would, God promised to do wonders for them. These are rules that we, too, should obey if we would face the unknown tomorrow with courage and confidence. And then let us trust the Lord to do wonders for us in 2020 also.
____________________ your eyes on the Ark (vs. 1-4)
____________________ yourselves (v.5)
____________________ on the water (vs. 6-8)