Greetings in the name of the LORD!
We praise God for another Sunday School LIVE via Zoom!
We thank you parents for your unceasing partnership and making each Sunday an unforgettable time of fellowship, learning and growing in Christ.
Today we continue the study of PHILIPPIANS!
We do encourage that you review today’s lessons and further study with your child.
*We looked Philippians 1:3–6
*We learned that there are 3 things that brought joy to the apostle Paul.
1. Remembering his friends in Philippi. Remembering the people, he loves, who love him.
2. Seeing people meet Jesus and become children of God.
3. Knowing that God’s promises will come true. He and his friends will find their “happily ever after” with God.
*We played a game Bible Knowledge Kids
*We listened “He Who Began”
*We were challenged to think about Christmas Shoe Boxes
"Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians to bless struggling children in the developing world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other items."
Memory Verse Challenge:
“I always pray for all of you with joy.” (Philippians 1:4, ICB)
Challenge given:
Talk with your child about the challenge and let them create by either putting it into a song, poetry, pictures/drawings, photography, essay, dance etc. and do share it with us at
If you thought about these things when you were having bad days, how do you think it might change your attitude?
For Further Study:
Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of Philippians. Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s message into your own life alongside your child.
For Toddlers
Say or sing “God gives us a happily ever after” with your child three times.
For Grade Schooler
Ask your child to list their closest friends. Once they do, talk about what life would be like without those friends and how they are a blessing from God to create joy.
For You
Who among your friends has yet to meet Jesus and become a child of God? Commit to regularly praying for them that God would soften their hearts to the message of His gospel.
For next Sunday:
Read Philippians 1:7–11
If you have missed our LIVE session, we hope to see you next Sunday at 930 am!
A new Zoom link will be sent to you via email within the week.
In His Service,
Rizza Damian
SS Superintendent 2020