Greetings in the name of the LORD!
We praise God for another Sunday School LIVE via Zoom!
We were blessed that Pastor Solo joined us today.
We thank you parents for your continuous partnership and making each Sunday a memorable time of fellowship, learning and growing in Christ.
We do encourage that you review today’s lessons and further study with your child.
*We looked Philippians 1:19-26
*We learned the word “rejoice”. To feel or show great joy. Like yelling, “Hooray!” We also learned that Paul was not scared of dying. No, he wasn’t. If he was alive, his life was all about Jesus. If he did, he’d get to be with Jesus! Both were good!
*We listened “Rejoice in the Lord Always”
*We played Bible Jeopardy! We were so confident with our answers. Come and let’s play …
Challenge given:
Talk with your child about the challenge and let them create by either putting it into a song, poetry, pictures/drawings, photography, essay, dance etc. and do share it with us at
Would you like to live your life without any fear? Would you like to be brave? How could God’s promises help you live that kind of life?
For Further Study:
Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of Philippians. Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s message into your own life alongside your child.
For Toddlers
Read this passage out loud again with your child and have him or her yell “Hooray!” every time you say the word “Christ” to remember that He is the reason for our joy.
For Grade Schoolers
Ask your child to name the bravest person he or she can think of. Then talk about the bravery of Jesus and what He accomplished by laying down His life and rising from the dead. Remind him or her that it’s those truths that give us ultimate bravery in life.
For You
Where are you experiencing fear today? Where do you need bravery? Confess to the Lord and ask Him to replace your fear with courageous obedience.
For next Sunday:
Read Philippians 1:27–30
We also thank you for those that participated in the Christmas Shoe Boxes.
Your involvement will indeed bring joy to many kids around the world.
Do check the link below for additional resources that your child can download and print.
These are fun activities that correlate to the Christmas Shoe Boxes.
Lastly, if you have either Google Play or Apple App Store, download Greatest Journey is a fun, exciting way for kids to explore the Bible and learn how to follow Jesus! The Scriptures come alive as players captain the Interstellar Starship Emmanuel on an adventurous trek back in time to witness and participate in 12 major Biblical events, from creation to Jesus' resurrection. After each mission is completed, players report their findings and observations to Admiral Sam, who helps them draw life applications from their exciting excursion.
Have a GREAT Week ...
We hope to see you next Sunday at 930 am!
A new Zoom link will be sent to you via email within the week.
In His Service,
Rizza Damian
SS Superintendent 2020