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Sunday School: Session 33

  • 83 Commonwealth Avenue Toronto, ON, M1K 4K4 Canada (map)

Greetings in the name of the LORD!

We praise God for another Sunday School LIVE via Zoom!

We thank you parents for your unceasing partnership and making each Sunday a memorable time of fellowship, learning and growing in Christ.

Please feel free to let us know how your child is responding to Sunday School. We value your suggestions and ideas about making this a good experience for your child.

We do encourage that you review today’s lessons and further study with your child.



*We looked 1 Peter 1:13–21

“In the past you did not understand, so you did the evil things you wanted. But now you are children of God who obey. So do not live as you lived in the past.” (1 Peter 1:14, ICB)

*We learned that when the Bible says we should “fear” God, it means we should “respect” God. We also learned that God is omnipresence, meaning He is all present, capable of being everywhere at the same time.

*We listened “Children of God”   

Challenge given:

Talk with your child about the challenge and let them create by either putting it into a song, poetry, pictures/drawings, photography, essay, dance etc. and do share it with us at


Do you think life gets better when we listen to our parents and teachers? What about God?


For Further Study:

Use these questions to talk to your child about the message of 1 Peter. Then consider taking the so-what challenge to incorporate this session’s message into your own life alongside your child.


For Toddlers

Say or sing the phrase “We are children of God!” together.


For Grade Schoolers

Together, talk about the ways we selfishly put ourselves first. Can your child think of a time when he or she was selfish? Talk about how God bought us out of that life. In moments of selfishness, remind each other of the new way of life by using the phrase, “God gave us a new way of life.”


For You

How is your fear, or respect, toward God? Do you take His commands seriously? The next time the Spirit prompts you to action, challenge yourself to obey what God is saying—whether he tells you to give generously, stop grumbling, or share the gospel with a neighbor.

For next Sunday:

Read 1 Peter 1:22–25

See you next Sunday at 930 am!

A new Zoom link will be sent to you via email within the week.

In His Service,

Rizza Damian

SS Superintendent 2021

Earlier Event: March 14
Sunday School: Session 33
Later Event: March 24
Prayer Meeting