G3 Testimony Series - A Spiritual Feast

By: Sian Kiara Saria

The G3 Conference reminded me of an overflowing chalice of grace, fellowship, and joy over the Gospel. It is like a feast, wherein we partook in as much spiritual food inside of us. Like most Filipino feasts, those who attended the conference took home spiritual food to delight in as well.

The Church plays a significant role in the Great Commission. What should come next after sharing the Gospel to unreached peoples is the establishment of churches. Essentially, these churches are the living testimony of the Gospel. In addition to that, they oversee the supporting and sending out of missionaries; that is, missionaries who are taught and trained by Biblical elders.

Nevertheless, all Christians are called to share the Gospel to all nations. I have learnt that we must not feel discouraged, because Jesus will save those He has chosen. We must not rest until all the people of God find their rest in Him.