G3 Testimony Series - Missions is to Ultimately Please and Glorify God

By Arsielle Joy Poquiz

Before attending the G3 Conference, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was very hesitant on

going due to fear of what might be taught or if I was going to get judged. However, I can testify that the conference was nothing but spiritually sustaining.

The theme of this year’s conference was Biblical Missions. Missions is mostly interpreted as going to an unknown place and sharing the gospel. Although this may be true, Missions is so much more. Missions is creating a relationship with someone. Missions is about getting out of our comfort zone. Missions is to ultimately please and glorify God.

One of the sermons that pulled at my heartstrings was called “Mercy for Sinners, Not Saints” which is found in Jonah 4. The preacher, Mark Dever, talked about God’s goodness - if in our eyes is bad, then we should examine ourselves. To add, he preaches on how compassion should not be forced, for our self-pride, and should ultimately come from God. The reason why this sermon resonates with me is because of how important it is to examine ourselves every day.

The heart is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) therefore, we should always make sure that our desires, motivations, and thoughts are Christ-centered. For this reason, Missions should never be about us but rather to do God’s will with a sound mind and heart.

1 Corinthians 10:31

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”