G3 Testimony Series - Scripture Alone is All Sufficient

By Sofiya Saria

Missions is a big part in our daily walk with Christ. It was commissioned by Jesus Christ, before His ascension to make disciples of all nation, baptizing them in the name ​of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,​ ​teaching them to observe all that He has commanded us (Matthew 28:19-20).

Hearing about G3, I thought that it would be a great opportunity to learn, be equipped, as well as fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ under the preaching of the Word of God and what a blessing it was.

G3 - Gospel, Grace, Glory - is a biblical conference held annually whose mission is to educate, encourage, and equip for the work of ministry and the glory of God. This year’s topic was based on biblical missions. It was a blessed, edifying and encouraging time for all of us.

I would like to share a few things I’ve learned in the conference:  

  1. Scripture alone is all sufficient and every believer must saturate themselves in the Word of God, the Bible.

  2. The role of the local church is important in the work of missions. All missionaries should be part of a local church.  

  3. All missionaries should have the qualifications of an elder (1 Timothy and Titus) under the discipling of biblical elders from their local church. One of the preacher’s said that “biblical elders equates a biblical church, a biblical church equates biblical missionaries, biblical missionaries equates to biblical missions”

  4. We must preach the Gospel - “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans​ ​10:17​

On a final note, I would like to share a statement mentioned by one of the preachers and I quote “Zeal and passion driven missions will never work unless controlled or governed by the Word of God”

Therefore let us work together, encouraging one another to go even deeper in the study of the Word of God.  

LINK TO SERMON ONE OF THE SERMONS AT G3 https://g3conference.com/archives/mission-of-god/the-great-commission-through-church-planting/

G3 Testimony Series - What Is Your Calling?

By: Sean Henry

This annual Christian conference stays true to the Word of Jesus Christ and the Scripture. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity through the giving of our congregation who all made this possible. Those of us who attended were truly in the presence of God, God's children, Biblical preachers, and faithful worship bands.

We need to ask ourselves the following three questions:

  • Is it your calling to be a missionary right now?

  • Is it your calling to be a missionary in the future?

  • Or is it your calling to stay in your local church and help support missionaries?

We need to pray about this, as well as pray for our missionaries.

G3 was an amazing experience for me and I highly suggest more of the church leaders to attend these conferences. In closing, Romans 15:20-21 (KJV) says, “Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation: But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand.”

G3 Testimony Series - A Spiritual Feast

By: Sian Kiara Saria

The G3 Conference reminded me of an overflowing chalice of grace, fellowship, and joy over the Gospel. It is like a feast, wherein we partook in as much spiritual food inside of us. Like most Filipino feasts, those who attended the conference took home spiritual food to delight in as well.

The Church plays a significant role in the Great Commission. What should come next after sharing the Gospel to unreached peoples is the establishment of churches. Essentially, these churches are the living testimony of the Gospel. In addition to that, they oversee the supporting and sending out of missionaries; that is, missionaries who are taught and trained by Biblical elders.

Nevertheless, all Christians are called to share the Gospel to all nations. I have learnt that we must not feel discouraged, because Jesus will save those He has chosen. We must not rest until all the people of God find their rest in Him.


Hello Brethren,

I am writing to ask whether you would contribute an extra gift for our one-time cost. We do have an immediate need to raise for our upcoming training in July 6th-14th. 

We need to raise $6,704.86 for our one-time cost that will cover our training expenses; one of them is held in July. This amount must be in our account by end of June the latest. This amount covers all our training cost which includes the following: 

  • General health Screening 

  • Health screening of risk factors

  • Screening for characteristics and resiliency

  • Online RDM course (7 weeks)

  • SIM Start (an orientation which we did back in July 2018) 

  • SIM Go and Bootcamp in Charlotte (July 6th – 14th 2019)

  • Impact (Date TBD)

  • Mission Prep (Date TBD)

I am wondering if several individuals from CABC would consider giving monthly to our support for us to reach the remaining monthly goal of $3,385.  If people would commit to giving monthly in the following amount:

  • 6-7 people giving $500 or

  • 11 people giving $300 or

  • 17 people giving $200 or

  • 34 people giving $100 or

  • 66 people giving $50


I am grateful for the opportunity being supported by CABC and I am asking if you would prayerfully consider 1. Giving to our one-time cost and 2. Sharing my story to the group to see if people might consider being part of our sending team too. I have attached my story feel free to send it to someone in your church whom you think might consider partnering with us.

Thanks for all your help,

Regina Wang

Regional Missions Mobilizer

P: 416-497-2424  ext. 155  C: 416-828-2174

W: www.sim.ca    E: regina.wang@sim.org

Please visit our SIM CANADA PAGE


May 5, 2019 - June 6, 2019

Want to help change the world but don't know where to begin? Let's join our brothers and sisters in Christ at PrayerCast for 30 days from May 5th to June 6th, 2019. They are launching a global prayer movement that is centered on the people of Islamic faith to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

God loves Muslims. He loves them SO much that He came to the earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, gave His own life as the perfect sacrifice for their sins, and then raised Himself from the grave! And He wants all Muslims to “be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). In John 14:6 “Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Roughly 1.8 billion Muslims around the world are still living without knowing this truth and having a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. But only God has the power to change that number, so let’s pray.

“Because when God’s people pray, HE MOVES.

And when God’s people pray, THEY CHANGE.” - Anonymous, PrayerCast Website

Let’s join with our brothers and sisters to pray during the month of Ramadan.